Bai Shui Chao
Telephones: 13962423309
Mark Yen
Telephones: 17312472090
Add: No.218 South Yucheng Road Kunshan City Jiangsu Province China.
The American ITW Company contacted us through Ms. Zhou of Chinese origin. We hereby come to our company for inspection. We are going to develop two sets of bracket parts for the internal handle of automobiles doors and two sets of 4-point INCOE hot runners. We have completed the T0 trial run and equipped with manipulators in 30 to 35 days respectively. After confirming the basic information of our customers, we will complete the T0 trial production on time, and After proper adjustment, the whole shipment was shipped to the United States. It is known that the operation is very good at present!! Another set has been started...
ITW (Illinois ToolWorks) Group was founded in 1912. It is one of the top 500 companies evalsuated by Fortune magazine. Its business covers construction, machinery, chemical, food and petroleum industries.
With the continuous development and progress of China's industry and science and technology, the gap between technology and quality in many fields and those in developed countries (such as Britain, France, even the United States) has narrowed a lot, but the cost is still at a low level. Mould is one of the typical examples.